RePowerWave is an innovative startup committed to developing sustainable solutions for renewable energy production. The technology focuses on hydrokinetic energy, a form of clean energy that harnesses the speed of water flows without requiring complex infrastructure works or water concessions. RePowerWave’s mission is to contribute to a greener energy future by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting local energy self-sufficiency.
The traditional hydropower sector has many limitations:
Reduced availability of suitable sites, significant environmental impacts, high costs and long lead times. In addition, the scalability of these solutions is limited, especially in developed countries where suitable areas are already exploited.
Challenges also include the vulnerability of centralized infrastructure to climate change and hydrological variations, which put the continuity of energy production at risk.

RePowerWave overcomes these barriers with modular, highly resilient hydrokinetic systems. Our turbines can be installed in man-made canals, ditches, channelized rivers, and minimum vital runoff discharges, harnessing currently unused energy. The technology does not require detour of waterways, drastically reducing environmental impact. Thanks to the plug & play design, installation is quick and easy, promoting widespread deployment even in remote areas.
Low Environmental Impact: No need for concessions and reduced adverse effects on ecosystems. Hydrokinetic turbines preserve biodiversity and do not hinder the migration of aquatic wildlife.
Rapid Payback: Low initial investment and short implementation time. Return on investment is facilitated by low operating costs and high energy efficiency.
High Resilience: Easily scalable and distributed modules that ensure greater stability of the power grid even under critical conditions.
Economic and Social Sustainability: Promotion of the local economy through job creation and community involvement in energy resource management.
With the support of the Consorzio di Bonifica Alta Pianura Veneta (Upper Venetian Plain Land Reclamation Consortium) and the Civil Engineer of Vicenza, the first experimental prototype is scheduled to be installed in Sarcedo (VI) by December 2025.
Ongoing collaborations with ARUBA Spa and other energy companies strengthen our growth prospects.
The expansion plan, under development thanks to the collaboration with Eng. Fabio Manenti, includes the opening of international subsidiaries and the development of strategic partnerships in Europe, Asia and Latin America, targeting markets with high demand for sustainable energy solutions.

If you would like to participate in this project or receive more information, please contact us!