We are an international network of professionals and organizations working in the fields of management consulting, project management and provision of business services

The rapid evolution of international markets, the globalization of markets and the growth in the size of companies and corporate groups in both the production and tertiary sectors have had a profound impact over time on the structure and operational context of services. This evolution, once again derived from the Anglo-Saxon model, has in recent years also extended to Italy and to many other developed countries. 

The experience accumulated by our member companies and our professionals in their respective countries and territories together with the internal resource pool makes Demix Group the essential partner for your organization.

Presidente e Fondatore Ing. Fabio Manenti

Graduated with honors in Management Engineering from the University of Bergamo, specialization in “Ingenieria Informatica de gestiòn” at the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain). Successfully postgraduate program in International Business & Management coordinated and funded by the University of Bergamo. Earning a Master’s Degree in International Business and a Professional Master’s Degree in Business Management at the prestigious UC San Diego and UC Berkeley (USA). DELF Diplomas at the Université de Montpellier III and the Université de Perpignan (France). DAPLE Diploma at the Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), and Master’s Degree in Europlanning at the University of Bologna organized by Eurogiovani.​

“Temporary & Digital Export Manager” and a Professional expert in “support services for business start-up and relaunch paths”, accredited to the Project “Temporary Network Manager” and to Lombardia Net Generation 2 of the Lombardy Region. “Expert in technical assessment of technical inquiries”, as well as an “Expert for technical assessment of projects” of Finlombarda Spa. Accredited as an Innovation Manager by MISE – Ministry of Economic Development, by Unioncamere and by MIMIT – Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, as an Internationalisation Expert included in the Lists of Unioncamere Lombardia, Lombardia Point and Promos Italia, in support of the Lombardy and Italian Chambers of Commerce.​

“Expert manager in internationalization processes” of the IMIT Association of Unione Confcommercio, “supplier of I4.0 services and technologies” of Punto Impresa Digitale. “Expert in the field of initial orientation assistance for aspiring entrepreneurs and local businesses on the topics of innovative Start Ups and SMEs, business networks, tourism, foreign countries and finance” at the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, MonzaBrianza and Lodi, Formaper, NIBI – New Institute of International Business and Eupolis Lombardia. “Operator in non-financial auxiliary assistance and monitoring services for microcredit” at ENM – Ente Nazionale Microcredito governmental organization based in Rome and Euro-project designer accredited since 2012 in the EUPF – European Register of Euro-Projects Designers and Managers in Brussels and Amsterdam. President & Founder of Demix Group, Demix International Consulting, Demix Innovation Lab and so on.​

The Business executives of DEMIX GROUP


Fabio Manenti

Managing Director


BOB Zonneveld

International business expert


Mario Manenti

Fashion expert

Antonietta Colantuno

Cologno monzese referent

Moreno Bracco

Liguria Referent

Adriana penati

Cosmetics expert


DR.SSA Maria A. Marrocco

Puglia Referent

Maria teresa scurria

Segrate Referent

OUR Team

Andrea Salvarezza

Back-Office liguria Referent

Roberto Olariu

Digital expert

Beatrice Fontana

Food engineer

Stéphane Pietropaolo

DIgital Expert

Federico Corbetta

Bottanuco Referent

Alessia Gemma

Back-office Sagrate Referent


Barbara Delle Donne

Back-office Milano Referent

Ramona Abis

real estate expert

Candida Bresciani

Survey Referent

Paolo brambilla

Press Office


Annalia Martinelli

PR & Press Office Expert

Sergiu Cumpanasoiu

Back-office Liguria Referent

Luca Colzani

R&D Expert & Business Developer

Mariapaola Negri

PR & Arranger

Adolfo Amodei

Eco Green Commercial

Pier Paolo Barbieri

Toscana Referent

Tullio Dodero

Finance Expert


Alberto Zana

Network Marketing Expert

AVV. Fabio Missale

Legale Referent

AVV. Guiseppe Stefanelli

Legale Segrate Referent


Camilla Giannelli

Art Director

Antonio Libardo

Innovation technology expert

Gianfranco De Francisci

Green Economy Expert

serafino claudio nasso

Healthcare expert



Management Assistant

Giuliana Mancini

Non-Profit expert

Maria Dilonardo

International Cooperation Expert

Our DIBA'S Professors


Giovanni manera

Expert trainer in the marketing and sales area


Maura di mauro

Expert in Social and labor Psychology



Elena Montini

Professional traveller

Paola Viano

Human resources expert

Serena Bonetti


AVV. Roberta Cuttin


Chiara Boschini

Comunication expert

AVV. Francesco di Bono


Our Foreing Contacts

Klodian Muco

Albani Referent


China Referent

Omari Abdelkader

Morocco Referent

Jacqueline Hartman

Netherlands Referent

Marco Tornetta

Ecuador Referent

Efstratios Lambrinos vlattas

Greece Referent

Mario V. Gesualdi

Argentina Referent

Katerina Markowska

Ecuador Referent

Koua Dekpassi Emmanuel

Ivory Coast Referent

Neda Mirzamohammadi

Iran and Turkey Referent

Najib Benrhazal

Benelux Referent

Alexandre Moran

Spain Referent

Elomri Smail

Morocco Referent

Eleonora Ravenna

Argentina Referent

Claudia Mazzei

Chile Referent

Mauro Rota

Bruxelles Referent

Mourad Mechach

Spain and morocco referent

Andrea Zana

Maghreb Referent

Bouchra trioui

Spain referant

Venelin Pavlov

Bulgarian Referent

Alessia Fabbiano

Bulgarian Referent

Abel Alconchel Sebastian

Spain referent

AVV. Natalia Curto

USA Referent

Matteo Cremonesi

France referent