We are a network of national and international professionals working in the field of management consulting and the provision of business services. Our goal is to improve the business of our partners and customers and to develop new strategies and innovative projects together with them. exploring new foreign markets considered interesting. We follow our customers step by step by providing them with a wide range of services ranging from planning to developing new business, from finding suppliers and buyers to promoting and growing brands.

Marketing, Sales & Digital

Digital agency

Software House

Marketing consultancy

Commercial consultancy

Press office

Innovation & Project Management

Business Incubation
Business Accelerator
Project Management 
Export management 

Internationalization & Cooperation

International Marketing
Temporary export management 
Creation and development of international projects
International Cooperation
Import & export

Training & Coaching

Professional Training
Language Training
Temporary management
Academic Research
Spin-off creation and development

Networking & Aggregations

Information and Promotion (economic, institutional, technical…)
Institutional Lobbying
Communities creation and managing
Business Network Creation and Development
Social Marketing

Finance & Accreditations

Founded Coaching
Creation and Participation of European Projects
Public and Private Finance
Experts and advisors of the public sector
Europlanning and dissemination