

Eng. Fabio Manenti is included in the list of Innovation Managers of Unioncamere with provision of the Secretary General of Unioncamere n. 155 of 28/08/2023 with the n. 630renewed until 2025 with Protocol No. 0027979/U of 10/01/2024.

The Innovation Managers are professionals specialized in technological and digital transformation projects in a key to Enterprise 4.0, available to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the area. Although belonging to different sectors, the consultancy offered is always aimed at defining and supporting technological and digital transformation processes, through the application of one or more enabling technologies envisaged by the National Enterprise 4.0 Plan.


Unioncamere Lombardia

Fabio Manenti is included in the List of Internationalization Experts of Unioncamere Lombardia for the two-year period 2018-2019, Project Code: 181A003-01 and Prot. nr 578 of 02/02/2018, and for the three-year period 2020-2023, Project Code 201T010-01 and Prot. nr 1876 of 27/02/2020, to support the Lombardy Chambers of Commerce.

New job for Eng. Fabio Manenti as internationalization expert of Unioncamere Lombardia during the two-year period 2023-2025, for the management of training, information, assistance with questions and regulatory and administrative insights on specific issues in the field of internationalization, also through the platform , in support of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Lombardy and the businesses of their territory: Protocol 0010781/U dated 20/12/2022.

Eng. Fabio Manenti also has the position of DEM – Digital Export Manager and is a qualified professional in the Digital Export 2022 Call.

Fabio Manenti and Demix International Consulting are accredited both with the “List of I4.0″ service and technology providers of the Digital Experience Center portal: of Unioncamere Lombardia and Punto Impresa Digitale, with Protocol No. 0002776 of 06/05/2022, and as qualified providers for the 2022 Digital Voucher Calls.

Promos Italia

Fabio Manenti collaborates as an expert in internationalization with the national agency of the Chamber of Commerce system that supports Italian companies in internationalization processes and assists institutions in the development of the local economy and the enhancement of the territory. Thanks to its qualified staff and direct presence on the territory, it is able to intercept the needs of Italian companies and guarantee concrete support for their commercial development on foreign markets, either directly or through an established network of relationships.


Ministry of Business and Made in Italy

The Eng. Fabio Manenti, with directorial decree of 19 October 2023, within the scope of the service governed by the directorial decree of 13 June 2023, is registered in the List of Innovation Managers established by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy  and is accredited as a qualified expert in the field of innovation consultancy vouchers.

Ministry of Economic Development

The Eng. Fabio Manenti, with directorial decree 29 July 2019, is registered in the list of Innovation Managers established by the Ministry of Economic Development and is accredited as a qualified expert in the field of innovation consultancy vouchers.


National Microcredit Agency

Eng. Fabio Manenti has been registered since 2017 and with no. 214, in the list of Tutors “Territorial Operators in auxiliary and monitoring services for microcredit” at the National Body for Microcredit based in Rome, as well as, from 2021 on the mandatory national list of “Operators in non-services auxiliary financial assistance and monitoring for microcredit“.

Regione Lombardia

Fabio Manenti is accredited by the Lombardy Region as a “Supplier of support services for the start-up and relaunch of enterprises”, announcement DD n. 9441/2013 of 18/10/2013 and decree n. 12569 of 20/12/2013, within both Line 8 FRIM “Start up Re Start”, and the Start up for EXPO program. 

Fabio Manenti is a professional accredited to the “Temporary Network Manager Project” announcement DD n. 2444 of 27/03/2015 and decree n. 6076 of 17 July 2015, the task is to provide consulting services and / or management to selected networks, supporting them in paths of innovation and / or internationalization and / or internal reorganization.

Engineer Fabio Manenti is director and manager of the internationalization service of the company Goose’s Egg srl accredited by the General Directorate of Economic Development of the Lombardy Region as Export Business Manager (EBM) for the support of export promotion projects of Lombardy companies under the EU program POR FESR 2014-2020.



Collaboration as Professional Expert in the evaluation of technical investigations of Finlombarda Spa in the following sectors: Biotechnology, Chemistry, Construction, Electronics, Plants, Information and Communication Technology, Mechanics, New Materials, Production Technologies and Industrial Processes, as well as Expert for the technical evaluation of projects in the Macro-areas: Enterprise Competitiveness and Enabling Industrial Technologies, renewed for the three-year period 2019-2021 by Prot. no. 7011/FB/FC/ia/lkn dated November 19, 2018.

Professional collaboration as Advisor for internationalization and as Temporary Export Manager in the Project Gate – Give ability to export with the aim of accompanying some SMEs in Lombardy on paths of internationalization. 

Lombardia Net Generation

Fabio Manenti is included in the Supplier Catalogues 720, 721 and 722 of Lombardia Net Generation 2 by the Lombardy Region in the areas of: Drafting of economic and financial plans, Drafting of communication and marketing plan, Drafting of market analysis.


Polis Lombardia

L’ing. Fabio Manenti inserito nell’Elenco dei soggetti accreditati per lo svolgimento di incarichi di lavoro autonomo per il triennio 2023-2026 presso Polis Lombardia l’Istituto superiore per la ricerca, la statistica e la formazione di Regione Lombardia.

Eupolis Lombardia

L’ing. Fabio Manenti inserito nell’Elenco dei soggetti accreditati per lo svolgimento di incarichi di collaborazione, studio, consulenza e formazione presso Eupolis Lombardia l’Istituto superiore per la ricerca, la statistica e la formazione di Regione Lombardia.



Fabio Manenti holds the position of Director of Economic Development, Export and Internationalisation, Innovation, Research and University, within which he will also maintain Institutional Relations with national and international public/private entities.

He is also in charge of supporting associated companies in the management and development of national and international innovative projects, also in aggregate form, by searching for partners both operational and capital, in the international promotion of their products and services, as well as in lobbying and Europlanning activities with institutions, for the collection of useful information and regulations, for the proposal of improved solutions, and for the procurement of public funds for the realisation of the projects developed, starting from the Recovery Plan.

Italian Managers for International Trade

Engineer Fabio Manenti is accredited on 14.02.2018 by the Technical-Scientific Committee of the National Association IMIT – Italian Managers for International Trade with the qualification of ‘Manager expert in internationalisation processes’ and their associate. 

IMIT associates mainly carry out consultancy activities in the field of foreign trade and internationalisation, helping Italian companies to develop their business abroad. IMIT’s reference partners are the Italian Foreign Trade Association (Aice) and Unione Confcommercio per l’Italia.



Eng. Fabio Manenti collaborates as Senior Consultant in the provision of Chamber of Commerce Vouchers ‘Actions to Support the Internationalisation of Businesses’ and ‘Business Development’, financed by the Bergamo Chamber of Commerce, to numerous companies and organisations in the province of Bergamo, from 2016 to the present.

European Register of Eurodesigners

Fabio Manenti is an accredited professional since 22/10/2012 in the European Register of Eurodesigners (EUPF–European Register of Euro-projects Designers and Managers) organization officially recognized by the European Commission, with offices in Brussels and Amsterdam.


Erasmus +

Erasmus+ is the European programme for education, training, youth and sport. Fabio Manenti is the inventor, co-founder and director of the I-Then (International Technical Higher Innovation) project approved and financed by the Call 2020 of the Erasmus+ programme KA203 Strategic Partnerships For Higher Educations.

University of Milan

Eng. Fabio Manenti is a mentor of the project Seed4Innovation, the scouting program of the University of Milan, created with the UNIMI Foundation, Deloitte and Bugnion, designed to accelerate the development of highly innovative solutions born from academic research and facilitate access to potential industrial partners. 

Chamber of Commerce Milano, Monza-Brianza, Lodi

Eng. Fabio Manenti is accredited as a “Specialist for the assistance service for companies in the tourism sector” in the areas: Visual Marketing, Food & Beverage Management; Work and Taxation, Multi-channel Development and Management, Destination Management, Hospitality Management, Travel Management, Tourist Web Marketing, Reputation and Brand Management, with approval on 16/09/2016 and provision no. 807/2016 and in the thematic areas: Governance, management and organization of the tourism business and Development and management of multi-channels: traditional and digital communication tools for the tourism sector approved with provision no. 751 of 02/08/2018.

Engineer Fabio Manenti is accredited as an Expert in the field of First Orientation Assistances for aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses in the area on the topics of Intellectual Property, Start Up and Innovative SMEs, Innovation, Internationalization and Business Networks,” approved by Determination No. 30/2018 of 15/01/2018, extended initially for the entire year 2019 by determination of the manager of the Communication and Business Development Area No. 1067 of 30/11/2018 and subsequently for the biennium 2020 – 2021 by Determination No. 50 of 2020, for the year 2022 and recently also for the three-year period 2023-2025.

Chamber of Commerce Mantova

Engineer Fabio Manenti is accredited with the qualification of TEM – Temporary Export Manager at the CCIAA of Mantua within the Calls for Internationalisation 2017, 2018 and 2019 with List approved with Determination of the Executive n. 18 of 29/01/2016.


Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo and Bergamo Development

Fabio Manenti is accredited as Consultant, Tutor and Lecturer in the areas of business creation, internationalization, marketing and business development at Bergamo Sviluppo and the Bergamo Chamber of Commerce and is present in their database of consultants and collaborators.

Chamber of Commerce Pavia

Fabio Manenti is accredited with the qualification of TEM – Temporary Export Manager at the Chamber of Commerce of Pavia within the project LET – Lombardy Export Trade, with prot. n. 10634 of 14/06/2012.


Chamber of Commerce Lodi

Fabio Manenti is accredited with the status of TEM – Temporary Export Manager at the Chamber of Commerce of Lodi within the project LET – Lombardy Export Trade, with prot. n. 5224 of 24/07/2012 and CIG 4220503540.

Chamber of Commerce Brescia

In 1995 the Brescia Chamber of Commerce founded Pro Brixia, a Special Company operating according to the rules of private law and endowed with administrative and financial autonomy. Pro Brixia’s action aims to enhance the Brescia production fabric, with the primary mission of supporting local companies in the effort to extend their commercial range to international markets. Pro Brixia also manages and administers the activities of the Brescia Real Estate Stock Exchange and the Congress Center of the Chamber of Commerce. Starting from July 2016, Pro Brixia was entrusted with the governance of Brixia Forum, the Brescia exhibition center, a flexible multi-exhibition structure that hosts events and trade fairs.
Eng. Fabio Manenti is a trainer and an expert in innovation, marketing and internationalization of ProBrixia and the Brescia Chamber of Commerce, and held the webinar on 21/07/2021 entitled “The importance of the US distribution system as an outlet market for lifestyle products” Project code 211T019-01.

Chamber of Commerce Cremona

Engineer Fabio Manenti is a trainer and an expert in innovation, business networks, marketing and internationalization of Servimpresa and the Cremona Chamber of Commerce and held the webinar entitled “Business networks: internationalization and new forms of aggregation “, Project Code 211T019-01.

Italian Chamber of Commerce Rosario

Signed a collaboration and partnership agreement promoted by Eng. Fabio Manenti and signed on 17/01/2017 between the Multicultural Association I Due Mondi and the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Rosario (Argentina), recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and part of Assocamerestero.


Italian Chamber of Commerce Chile

Partner of the Multicultural Association I Due Mondi and of the Jobs Academy Foundation within the project I-THEN International Technical Higher Education Network conceived, created and managed by Fabio Manenti.

African Italian Chamber of Commerce Grands Lacs

The African Italian Chamber of Commerce Grands Lacs is based in Milan and Bujumbura, is rooted in the Italian entrepreneurial fabric with particular reference to high innovation districts, and has entrepreneurial, university, professional and institutional networks on the African territories of reference of the EAC (East African Community) which allows access and dispose of information, operators and resources necessary to undertake business activities (technological projects, start-ups, M&A, franchise, licensing, other) or research in the various market and technological sectors.


Innexta is the reference structure in the finance and credit sector for SMEs belonging to the Chamber System, with particular attention to complementary finance tools, services and models. Finance complementary to credit allows businesses, especially smaller ones, which have greater difficulties in accessing credit, to use new financing and capital raising channels.

Eng. Fabio Manenti is an Innexta finance expert and held the conferences “Company communication towards the market” and “Communication techniques to introduce yourself to investors” as part of the training and personalized assistance. your company.



Engineer Fabio Manenti has been included in the Formaper Teachers and Consultants Register in the Areas: Business Internationalization, Self-Entrepreneurship and New Business Creation, Marketing and Business Communication and Project Management for the two-year period 2022 – 2023, with renewal of the role for the two-year period 2024-2026, to support the training courses and assistance activities organized and delivered by Formaper and the CCIAA of Milan, MonzaBrianza and Lodi.

Formaper Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi, is a special company founded in 1987 with the aim of contributing to the dissemination of business culture and the development of entrepreneurship. In recent years, Formaper has established itself in Italy and abroad thanks to the implementation of actions, services and activities that follow the company throughout its life cycle, developing its own models to support the creation and development of businesses. Today Formaper is a «Hub» on the themes of orientation, training and work for those who in various ways contribute to the development of human capital.

Eng. Fabio Manenti is a trainer and an expert in innovation, marketing and internationalization of Formaper, as part of the “Punto Impresa Digitale – Year 2020/2021” project, project code L01421018N, Flusso ID 70559, Headquarters ID 287916 (Milan) and determination of Management n. 99/2020 and 15/2021.

Engineer Fabio Manenti held the webinar “Pricing policies, marketing solutions and definition of rates on different markets to be competitive and innovative“, divided into 1 part: “INNOVATING AND INTERNATIONALIZING TODAY DEFINING PRICES, RATES, STRATEGIES AND MARKETS TARGET ”and 2nd part:“ STRATEGIES, CRITERIA, VARIABLES AND OPPORTUNITIES TO BE COMPETITIVE AND INNOVATIVE ON DIFFERENT MARKETS ”.


New Institute of International Business

Participation as trainer and speaker in some training meetings and seminars organized by Nibi (New Institute of International Business of Promos) determination n° 10/2014, ID Project 14K4006000 and N.CIG Z970DD733, in collaboration with various organizations, among which I mention Coldiretti Bergamo, Ente Fiera Milano, the Chamber of Commerce of Monza and Brianza and the Chamber of Commerce of Milan.

Fiera Milano

In 2014, engineer Fabio Manenti held a conference concerning the “Distribution system of the US market” for the opening of the Homi Fair – the Lifestyle Fair, organized together with NIBI – New International Business Institute owned by Promos – Special Agency for Internationalization and the Milan Chamber of Commerce, with which he collaborates.

In 2019, engineer Fabio Manenti was instead invited to the BIT Fair – the International Tourism Exchange, a historic event organized by Fiera Milano that since 1980 brings to the Lombard capital tourist operators and travelers from all over the world, to hold a conference on “The internationalization of tourism enterprises: target, opportunities, method and financial instruments”.

Logo ESAE - Energy Savings for Agriculture and Enviroment


Fabio Manenti is a research partner with the State University of Milan and its scientific spin-off Esae srl. He works side by side in the development of international research projects in the fields of agriculture, zootechnics, construction and energy, co-financed with private and public funds, supported in the field of commercial marketing, research of new partners for some initiatives undertaken and subsidized finance both national and EU.

Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe

Supporting some SMEs in the phase of assessing the feasibility of the project to be presented and preparing the necessary documentation for participation in the European programs for research and innovation Horizon 2020 SME Instrument and Horizon Europe