The history of our group

Story Time Lombardia - FABIO-MANENTI

Demix Group founded in the United States.
Partnership con Catalyst Marketing Inc in California

Demix Group moves to Holland, France, Spain and Italy
Partnership with Xtenzo Sales & Marketing

Demix Group expands in Portugal, Russia, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa

Demix Group initiates trade relations with Arab countries and China.
Opening of Gabrielle Fashion in Benelux

Collaboration with the US financial group Mac2 Holding LLC

Partnership with the WIC Group in Italy

Creation of the Ecomo International agricultural cooperative in Côte d'Ivoire.
Partnership with African Dune International in South Africa and Israel

Demix Persian Diamond Travel in Iran and Turkey is born

Birth of the cultural association 'Carica!' in Bergamo
Start of collaboration with Lombardy Region, Unioncamere Lombardia and Éupolis Lombardia.

Master in Europlanning at the University of Bologna organised by the Cultural Association 'Eurogiovani centro ricerche e studi europei'.
Registration in the EUPF European Register of Eurodesigners in Brussels and Amsterdam.

The InnoWatch project was born in collaboration with Goose's Egg and Focus Informatica in Italy and China.
Start of cooperation with Finlombarda.

Support for the creation and development of the 'Riqualifica' business network in Cremona.

Support for the creation and development of the 'Redevelopment' business network in the energy rehabilitation sector

Development of the 'Environ & Metry' project in the field of industrial and environmental monitoring, IOT - Internet Of Things, and remote sensing and telemetry applications.

Start of collaboration with the Milan Chamber of Commerce and NIBI - New Institute of International Business.
Start of collaboration with the Rosario Chamber of Commerce in Argentina.

Medco - Medioriental European Development Company was established in Italy, Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates and India.
Registration as Tutor "Territorial Operator in Auxiliary and Monitoring Services for Microcredit" at the National Microcredit Agency in Rome.

Member of the national association IMIT - Italian Managers for International Trade of Unione Confcommercio and accredited with the qualification of 'Manager expert in internationalisation processes'.

OpenAi & OpenLab in artificial intelligence in Italy is born.

IMC Club House in the Netherlands and China is established.
Start of collaboration with Promos Italia, the MISE - Ministry of Economic Development and the ITS JobsAcademy Foundation.

The business incubator and accelerator Demix Innovation Lab is born.
The I-THEN - International Technical Higher Education Network - project begins.

Demix Edil Energy is born with its innovative construction and energy projects.

The international lifestyle blog Delizie dal Mondo is born.
Collaboration with Conflombardia begins.

Start of collaboration with UNIMI - University of Milan and their 'Seed4Innovation' scouting programme.

Demix Lifestyle Store project for international distribution of lifestyle products is born.
Start of collaboration with MIMIT - Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and PoliS-Lombardia.

Start Partnership with SACE.
Participation in the Terra Next acceleration programme of CDP - Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

Support for the creation and development of the start-up 'Azienda Agricola San Gregorio' in the field of oil and its derivatives, including cosmetics.
The future of Demix is still to be written with you !

Our Vision Our Vision and our Dream
Our goal is to improve the business of our partners and customers, offering new business opportunities, developing innovative strategies with them to explore new international markets.

Our Mission Our Intentions and our Goals
The key idea and the project for Demix Group involve the search for constant growth and development of new relationships and strategies necessary to meet all the needs of our customers. Our attention is focused on carrying out activities in an ethical way and attentive to the safeguarding of the world in which we live, hence the choice to dedicate ourselves also to projects of marketing causes and international cooperation.