The Demix business accelerator is a consultancy program designed to accelerate the development of start-ups, which have started a business. An acceleration programme starts with the provision of a range of services provided to support companies and possibly also funds offered under certain conditions; or it simply needs to expand on the market. The duration of our standard acceleration program is twelve months. 

Features and benefits

The sending of projects to our business accelerator is open to anyone who has an interesting idea to submit to us, to start-ups and innovative Smes as well as to clusters and business networks, also constituting.

The admission process is very selective and focused on common parameters:

  • Consistency and characteristics of the team.
  • Value of the idea or product.
  • Potential of the market.
  • Level of business scalability and quality of project presentation.

If the idea is of interest, we proceed to organize introductory meetings and presentations. During the incubation program, funds could be requested to cover the main expenses for the selected projects, bringing the idea from a conceptual stage to a first stage of implementation.

Among the possible activities at the end of the support program it is possible to foresee an event during which the teams can present their idea to potential investors. The start-ups that have completed the program become part of our community.

In addition to these services, Demix Group also offers the possibility of being supported in the commercial marketing development and in the launch of your products/services in foreign countries defined as ideal market targets. In this regard, you can consult the section dedicated to internationalization.

The main advantages offered by participation in the DEMIX acceleration program are:

Management consulting services:

  • Validation of the business idea with market testing in a controlled environment.
  • Availability of partners and mentors that can drive the growth of the start-up by offering professional advice (e.g. on fundamentals of business, branding, marketing, and communication).
  • Increased credibility: investors are more confident as the reputation of the accelerator personally certifies the quality of the start-up.
  • Support of other “incubated” teams through the creation of an atmosphere of spontaneous interaction sharing ideas, skills, and contacts.
  • High visibility through the final Demo Day and coverage of these events by the specialist press.
  • Support to internationalization.
  • Creation, organisation and development of business clusters and networks. 

Private financial aspect:

  • Inclusion in a profitable network of relations through events organized to allow founders to present (formally) their start-up to other entrepreneurs and investors.
  • Crowdfunding, a system created thanks to the Internet, which, instead of finding a single financier for the idea of business, targets multiple investors through our platform, as well as partner platforms, with the aim of dividing the sum that the start-up needs into different shares;
  • Business Angel, do not grant a financing in the traditional sense of the term to start-ups, but offer funds in exchange for a participation in the capital of the start-up itself, also make available to the start upper a number of important benefits, which derive from their business experience;
  • Venture capital, they put funds directly into the start-up: the most used method is that of the capital increase, acquiring shares of the same, which they will resell when it will be appreciated enough to produce the expected profit.

Public financial aspect:

  • Tax credit
  • National Innovation Fund
  • Ente Nazionale per il microcredito
  • Europlanning
  • Facilitated finance, to be planned according to specific needs

Our future goal is also to create a business incubator that can allow the realities assisted by us, to have a physical structure from which to work in direct contact with us, with our other projects and with our partners.