Mr. Fabio Manenti is registered with n.214 in the tutor list “territorial operator in auxiliary services and monitoring of microcredit”. 

Characterized by an ethical vision of finance, which considers financial activity (and therefore the use of money) as a means and not as an end, having as a reference the human and social promotion of individuals. Based on this vision, the Authority sees microcredit not as a form of “welfare” or “charity” but as a real loan aimed at the development of business projects or the implementation of projects aimed at improving the personal or family living conditions of vulnerable sections of the population.

Microcredit must promote a rational use of financial resources, without repudiating the basic mechanisms of finance itself (such as intermediation, collection, loan), but reformulating the reference values (the person and not the capital, the idea and not the assets, the fair remuneration of the investment and not the speculation).

In addition, it must support both those entrepreneurial activities that produce a social and environmental benefit on the territory and those that move in a perspective of development humanely and ecologically sustainable, such as those of the non -profit, social and international cooperation, cultural and artistic activities, organic farming. In this direction, the Institution promotes a concept of modern microcredit and suitable for addressing social and employment issues, so as to identify in microcredit an opportunity to activate a new form of welfare.

In the end, the Authority has a concrete and pragmatic action in the development of human and professional qualities: its system action goes beyond micro-credit and microfinance as a set of financial services and products for disadvantaged social groups, to foster the emergence of a new social and economic fabric based on personal responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit. 


  • Self-employed persons with VAT registration number for not more than 5 years and with a maximum of five employees; 
  • Individual enterprises with VAT registration number for no more than 5 years and with a maximum of five employees; 
  • Companies of persons, companies between professionals, simplifieds.r.l. and cooperative societies, holders of VAT not more than 5 years and with a maximum of 10 employees.


  • Purchase of goods or services related to the activity (including raw materials necessary for the production of goods or services and goods for sale); 
  • Payment of wages and salaries of new employees;
  • Costs incurred for company training courses;
  • Restoration of working capital;
  • Liquidity operations;
  • No restructuring of the debt.


  • Fixed rate mortgage loan; 
  • Minimum duration of 24 months and maximum of 60 months, increased by 6 in case of prepayment (max 12 months); 
  • Max amount € 25.000,00, which can become € 35.000,00 if the last six previous instalments have been paid in a timely manner and if the development of the funded project is in line with the achievement of the interim results set out in the financing contract and verified by the Bank;
  • Public guarantee from the Guarantee Fund for Smes (80% of the amount financed); the Bank may require additional (non-real) personal guarantees only in respect of the part not covered by the public guarantee.

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