Born in 2006 between the software house Coroffice (Microsoft Certificated Network) and the consulting company Demix International Consulting, which led to the creation of the web publishing company Cormedia srl in 2008 and which in 2009 is enriched with an important collaboration with the Travel Agency and Tour Operator Pop Viaggi.

Traveling Around the World
Starting from our concrete professional needs and working in the complex world of Travel, we set ourselves the goal of bringing demand closer to the offer, making it easier to find information and easier to organize a trip. In this way we wanted to allow everyone, in the first place, to optimize their time, to plan their work to the best, to always choose the most advantageous offers and best suited to their needs and therefore to travel better, Travel more and increase your business!
Partner companies:
- Cor Office software house Cormedia editore srl;
- Demix International Consulting;
- Pop Viaggi ADV.
Gogo Travel gives you the opportunity to choose, from a wide range of packages, the most suitable solution for your working reality by customizing an ad hoc service, constantly supporting you in your work path to allow you to achieve the best results, providing you with a set of indispensable tools to improve your business!
Gogo Travel services are as follows:
- Gogo Travel & Tour Operator: is aimed at operators who organize package tours, tailor-made trips, stays and group trips to be offered to travel agencies, and those specialized in incentives, fairs, congresses and events for companies, offering them a range of targeted services with high added value;
- Gogo Business: allows inserting offers dedicated to the Business sector with prices on display that can be ordered (as visible also by the Companies), thanks to a specific loading program. These offers, if you have subscribed to the Gogo Mail program, will be communicated by us with regular mailings to companies in our database and promoted thanks to viral marketing systems and advertising banners (over 25,000 companies in our databases);
- Gogo Statistics: a service of commercial statistics, sales, offers, divided by data providers, geographical areas, results obtained and more, that we periodically provide to registered partners through our standard newsletter or on request with a detailed market analysis;
Gogo Travel & Travel Agencies: pays special attention to Travel Agencies by providing, through advanced technologies, Gogo ADV, a tool that provides quality tourist information, as well as a wide range of highly innovative solutions, that allow you to have all the services and advantages of a network;
Gogo ADV: provides a set of tools that optimize search times, offers, booking and customer management, allowing the automatic preparation of posters containing the essential data of the offers entered in the database and those relating to the agency’s contacts; - Gogo Astoi: is a service that allows you to fill out the contract document (form Astoi) as well as the standard of the Italian Tour Operator Association, in excel format and use the data entered for the management of your internal accounting. If you have subscribed to the Gogo SMS service, you can also automatically send an SMS to your customers to inform them of the expiry of the payment of the balance of the file and the withdrawal of the relevant documentation.
- Gogo Travel & Hotels: if you own a hotel or a location suitable for conventions, corporate incentive packages, you want to make yourself known during a fair, or you are organizing an event and you want to promote it properly, you can activate the Gogo Hotels offer insertion service. An easy control panel will allow you to conveniently insert your offers in 24/7 online mode and update them according to your needs; you will be contacted by our staff who will provide you with username and password to access the interface reserved to you where you can enter the facilities that you have decided to make available in our system, adding detailed information (images, services and prices, contacts, website).

In case you do not have a website or need to modify it in order to have better visibility online, we are at your disposal for the evaluation of your individual needs.
GogoHotels will then allow your Beauty Farm and the offers you have inserted to be viewed and booked directly by Companies, Travel Agencies and Tour Operators, without the burden of additional commissions.
It’s also available the sms service that will allow you to easily reach, at very competitive costs and directly from the console of your PC, the customers who will have contacted you and will need further information.