Delizie dal mondo offers food, such as: coffee, cocoa, typical Persian products and from the rest of the world, integrating additional products for skin care. In addition, Delizie dal Mondo is very sensitive to ecology and to avoid any kind of pollution wants to use only materials: Biodegradable and Recyclable.
In fact, the packaging can be dispersed directly into the organic decomposing thanks to the natural action of bacteria and microorganisms within a few weeks. As for aluminium, it is destined to foundries that transform it into new objects and the residual coffee is a fertilizer compound for rice fields.
Delizie dal Mondo wants to bring exotic flavours from all over the world to the European continent in order to help local communities and to make new flavours known; all this through an effective and targeted promotion, on multiple channels, at a global level.
We want to allow our customers to be able to make an experience of the taste to 360°, offering a product of excellent quality.
Some products offered by Delizie Dal Mondo