Voucher for consulting in innovation

The Voucher for Consulting in Innovation measure is the intervention that, in coherence with the National Plan “Impresa 4.0,” supports the processes of technological and digital transformation of SMEs and business networks throughout the country through the introduction in the company of managerial figures capable of implementing the enabling technologies envisaged by the National Plan. The budget allocated for the implementation of the intervention is 75 million euros.

Who is targeted?

Eligible for benefits under the Innovation Consulting Voucher are companies operating throughout the country that are found to have, on the date of application as well as at the time the grant is awarded, the following requirements:

  1. Qualify as a micro, small or medium enterprise under current regulations;
  2. not be among the enterprises active in the sectors excluded by Article 1 of EU Commission Regulation No. 1407/2013 of December 18, 2013 “De Minimis”;
  3. have registered office and/or active local unit in the national territory and be registered in the Register of Enterprises of the territorially competent Chamber of Commerce;
  4. not be subject to prohibitory sanctions pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No. 231 of June 8, 2001, and be in good standing with the payment of social security contributions;
  5. not to be subject to bankruptcy proceedings and not to be in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation, including voluntary liquidation, receivership, arrangement with creditors or in any other equivalent situation under current regulations;
  6. not having received and subsequently not repaid or deposited in a blocked account aid on which a recovery order is pending, following a previous decision of the European Commission declaring the aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.

Enterprise networks composed of no fewer than three SMEs meeting the requirements described above are also eligible for the Voucher, provided that the network contract configures an effective and stable collaboration and is characterized by the elements referred to in Article 2, paragraph 2, of the May 7, 2019 Decree.

Eligible expenses

Expenses incurred against specialized consulting services rendered by a qualified, independent innovation manager temporarily included, with a consulting contract of not less than nine months, in the organizational structure of the company or network are considered eligible for the contribution.

A qualified, independent innovation manager is defined as a manager registered in the special list established by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy or indicated, with equal personal and professional requirements, by a company registered in the same list and who is independent of the enterprise or network benefiting from the specialized consultancy.

The consultancy must be aimed at directing and supporting the processes of innovation, technological and digital transformation of enterprises and networks through the application of one or more of the enabling technologies provided for in the National Enterprise 4.0 Plan identified among the following:

  1. big data and data analytics;
  2. cloud, fog, and quantum computing;
  3. cyber security;
  4. integration of Next Production Revolution (NPR) technologies into business processes, including and with particular regard to traditional manufacturing;
  5. simulation and cyber-physical systems;
  6. rapid prototyping;
  7. visualization systems, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR);
  8. advanced and collaborative robotics;
  9. human-machine interface;
  10. additive manufacturing and three-dimensional printing;
  11. internet of things and machines;
  12. digital integration and development of business processes;
  13. digital marketing programs, such as transformative and enabling processes for the innovation of all processes for the enhancement of brands and distinctive signs (so-called “branding”) and business development to markets;
  14. open innovation programs.

Engineer Fabio Manenti and Demix International Consulting are accredited both with the “List of I4.0″ service and technology providers of the Digital Experience Center portal: www.digitalexperiencenter.it of Unioncamere Lombardia and Punto Impresa Digitale, with Protocol No. 0002776 of 06/05/2022, and as qualified suppliers for the Digital Voucher Calls 2022 and for the new Call SI4.0 2022; as well as is included in the Unioncamere Innovation Managers List by order of the Secretary General of Unioncamere No. 155 of 28/08/2023, with No. 630 for the biennium 2023-2024, Protocol No. 0021024/U of 29/08/2023. In addition, Eng. Manenti also holds the position of DEM – Digital Export Manager, is an “Expert in technical appraisal of technical investigations” in the areas of Biotechnology, Chemistry, Construction, Electronics, Plants, Information and Communication Technology, Mechanics, New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies and Industrial Processes, as well as an “Expert for technical appraisal of projects” in the Macro-areas: Enterprise Competitiveness and Enabling Industrial Technologies of Finlombarda Spa, renewed for the five-year period 2019-2023 with Prot. no. 7011/FB/FC/ia/lkn of Nov. 19, 2018, and is accredited as an Innovation Manager by the MISE – Ministry of Economic Development with a directorial decree of 06/13/2023.

read Accreditations.

Managerial assignments can also direct and support processes of modernization of management and organizational structures, including access to financial and capital markets, through:

  1. the application of new organizational methods in business practices, business management strategies, and workplace organization, provided they involve a significant process of organizational innovation of the enterprise;
  2. the initiation of paths aimed at listing on regulated or unregulated markets, participation in the Elite Program, the opening of venture capital to independent investors specializing in private equity or venture capital, and the use of new alternative and digital finance tools such as, but not limited to, equity crowdfunding, invoice financing, and the issuance of minibonds.

The specifications regarding the content and purpose of the consultancy services, as well as the duration and compensation, must result from a consultancy contract signed by the parties after the date of submission of the application for admission to the contribution.


The benefit consists of a contribution in the form of a voucher which can be granted under the “de minimis” regime pursuant to Regulation (EU) no. 1407/2013. The maximum grant that can be granted varies according to the type of beneficiary:

  • Micro and small: contribution equal to 50% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 40 thousand euros
  • Medium-sized businesses: contribution equal to 30% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 25 thousand euros
  • Business networks: contribution equal to 50% of the costs incurred up to a maximum of 80 thousand euros

With a subsequent provision from the General Directorate for business incentives, the terms and methods for the submission of applications for admission to the contribution by SMEs and business networks will be defined.

Procedure for accessing benefits

Starting from 12.00 on 26 October, and until 12.00 on 23 November 2023, as defined by the directorial decree of 16 October 2023, it will be possible to complete the application for access to the benefits.

  • a) Completing the application for access to benefits
    • People in possession of the requirements established by the legislation will be able to complete the application for access to the benefits, exclusively via the IT procedure available at the link https://Agevolazioni.dgiai.gov.it, starting from 12.00 on 26 October 2023 and by 12.00 on 23 November 2023.
  • b) Sending the application for access to benefits
    • Companies and business networks that have completed the application by 12.00 on 23 November 2023 will be able to proceed with sending the application for access to the benefits starting from 29 November 2023, exclusively through the IT procedure whose link will be made available later.

Demix International Consulting will also be able to support you when requesting and obtaining the Voucher itself, and, thanks to the collaboration and accreditations obtained also with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi, Unioncamere Lombardia, Regione Lombardia, Finlombarda, the National Institution for Microcredit, etc., will be able to offer you many other services to further support your company and the development of your projects, see link: https://www.demixgroup.com/en/our-services/.