FNC – Fondo Nuove Competenze ANPAL

ANPAL promotes and coordinates training programs for employed and unemployed persons, in compliance with the competencies of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. It supervises interprofessional funds for continuous training and bilateral funds. It promotes special projects for the training of young people.

Interprofessional funds for continuous training

National interprofessional funds for continuous training are associations set up to finance continuous training measures of enterprises that choose to join them. The training actions financed by the Funds qualify workers in line with company strategies. The Funds mainly carry out management activities, preparatory activities, and implementation of training plans.

How they are financed

0.30% (less administrative costs) of the supplementary contribution for compulsory insurance against involuntary unemployment paid by employers to INPS (art. 25 of Law n. 845/1978) is returned to the Fund, to which the company has adhered, for continuous training aimed at qualifying and retraining workers, in line with company strategies.

How to join

Companies join voluntarily, through the Uniemes flow. Membership is revocable. Mobility between funds is possible, with some limitations (Inps circular no. 107 of 1 October 2009). Employers can join a second Fund, only for the training of their managers and choosing among the funds set up for this purpose (art. 118, paragraph 1, of Law no. 388/2000).


What are the procedures for submitting the application and what is the deadline for submitting applications?

  • Applications and balance requests must be submitted via Certified Electronic Mail to the dedicated address fondonuovecompetenze@pec.anpal.gov.it.
  • There is no deadline for submission; applications may be submitted until the funds available under the notice are exhausted.
  • No format has been defined for the drafting of collective agreements on the rescheduling of working time.


  • Call for applications when funds are exhausted
  • The collective trade union agreement for the partial conversion of working time into training time is required
  • The presentation of a specific training project per category of worker is required
  • Payment of the contribution is made by Inps (70% upon approval of the project and 30% as balance upon completion of the accounting).
  • Workers must not be in Cassa integrazione at the time the training is provided (if they are in Cassa integrazione, they must return)
  • the contents of the collective agreements must be reported and described:
    • organisational, technological, process, product, or service innovations in response to the company’s changing production needs
    • the employer’s needs in terms of new or increased skills because of the above innovations
    • the training adjustment necessary to qualify and retrain the worker in relation to the identified needs, possibly leading to a qualification of at least EQF level 3 or 4
    • the forecast of training projects
    • the number of workers involved in the intervention
    • the number of hours of working time to be allocated to competence development paths
  • A format for the drafting of competence development projects is not defined.
  • The training project must include the description of how the following areas will be carried out:
    • identification of the skills possessed by the worker
    • customisation of the paths consistent with the professional and qualification standards defined within the National Directory referred to in Article 8 of Legislative Decree 13/2013
    • the carrying out of training activities
    • the duration
    • the training provider
    • the transparency and certification of the skills acquired through the courses, in accordance with the provisions of the Region or Autonomous Province according to the specifications of Legislative Decree 13/2013.
  • The prerequisite for the granting of the contribution is therefore the fact that the worker, instead of working, is engaged in training activities. Having said that, the use of on-the-job training is possible provided that:
    • it is expressly provided for in the training project and is consistent with the objectives of the latter
    • the hours devoted to on-the-job training must be functional to the development of workers’ skills, which can be verified for the purposes of the certification of skills pursuant to Legislative Decree 13/2013.