In 1998, the Durizzi family, strengthened by the experience gained in the bakery and catering of the family’s pizza restaurant “Il Leone d’Oro” opened in 1991 in the province of Bergamo, approached the world of intolerances: gluten, lactose and vegan, obtaining from the Italian celiac association (A.I.C) the qualification to administer gluten-free foods. During the covid pandemic, he sees an increase in demand for these products, and thanks to delivery, awareness of their establishment as one of the best and referenced in the area spreads. Requests begin to arrive on a provincial, regional and national scale, so much so that they decide at this point to market with their own e-commerce these products online with delivery throughout Italy, thanks also to SIMEST funding obtained from PNRR resources. In addition to private individuals, requests are also arriving from professional users: restaurants, pizzerias, specialized stores, retailers, wholesalers, etc..


For more than 25 years, Lorenzo Durizzi has been continuously researching new preparation techniques to satisfy everyone’s palate, especially those with special food intolerances.

Demix Group, with the Enjoyfood project aims at a new market niche positioned between industrial and medium-quality products, even if competitively priced,  and the small “do-it-yourself” productions that are not very consistent, with limited quantities, lacking shelf life and very expensive such as the various gluten free pizzerias, our artisan laboratory will instead guarantee a uniform, non-frozen and high-quality product, keeping the product and its taste unchanged, precisely because it is not frozen and not stored in a modified atmosphere, to date not yet on the market. According to some market research and field tests, this type of product is highly sought after but still not very present, not only in Italy but even more so in European and non-EU countries (United States, Canada, Emirates, Middle East, etc.).

announcements and Patents Obtained

Eng. Fabio Manenti with the position of Innovation Manager and Coordinator of Research & Development activities and digitalization services and for I4.0 technologies, and Demix International Consulting are also working with Enjoyfood on the research and development of an innovative system for the production of gluten-free pizza bases and bakery products by means of an experimental production process that is in the patenting phase and by means of digital innovation technologies 4. 0, digitization of processes and a focus on eco-sustainability and energy efficiency, with the ultimate goal of guaranteeing a uniform, non-frozen, high quality product, keeping its taste unchanged, precisely because it is not frozen and not stored in a modified atmosphere, and in this regard we participated in and obtained the Lombardy Region’s Bando Nuova Impresa 2022we have been accredited as an innovative start-up by the Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo and Brescia, we have booked and created the  Voucher Sviluppo Impresa and the Voucher Internazionalizzazione 2023 of the Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo, we have participated in and obtained the Bando SI4.0 2023 of the Lombardy Region, we have joined the Industry 4.0 Plan regarding the purchased plant and we have registered our application for participation in the Voucher per consulenza in innovazione of the MIMIT ministry, we are also considering requesting both a leasing and an unsecured loan guaranteed by MCC.

The engineer Fabio Manenti was also appointed as Temporary Export Manager and Digital Export Manager, as well as provider of digitalisation services and for information and communication technologies, and in this regard we participated in the Bando Export 2023 of Unioncamere Lombardia, with the aim to approach foreign markets for the promotion and marketing of Enjoyfood products.

We also filed on 03/15/2023 the industrial invention patent No. 102023000004902 titled “GLUTEN-FREE PIZZA MIXTURE AND METHOD FOR MAKING A GLUTEN-FREE PIZZA MIXTURE” with the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and are considering its extension on an international scale.


Great success with the public and participants for the first edition of the contest dedicated to the Best Gluten Free Panettone. The event, wanted by Italian Gourmet supported by the partners Novaterra Zeelandia and ReViva, elected Lorenzo Durizzi of Leone d’Oro in Telgate, a gluten-free and lactose-free restaurant and pizzeria, as runner-up.

The final event was broadcast in live streaming on the Italian Gourmet social channels, directly from the Congusto Gourmet Institute, on 5 December 2022. In fact, there were 150 applications, which came from all over Italy, for this challenge but only 10 panettone were admitted to the final.

A highly successful edition, that of 2023, which will trace a new path in the name of “free from“. We just have to wait for the next edition of the Best Gluten Free Panettone contest, where Enjoyfood will present itself in joint venture with Paccari International and what has been elected the best chocolate in the world for 9 consecutive years, the challenge is launched!

Request a quotation for these products on Demix Innoshop and view our article “food intolerances in 2022″in Delizie dal Mondo‘s blog and “Halal and kosher certifications” on Demix International Consulting‘s Blog!!